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New Savannah City Manager Is Getting the Job Done

April 10, 2013
Savannah City Manager Stephanie Cutter (Source: City of Savannah)

Savannah City Manager Stephanie Cutter (Source: City of Savannah)

Lesley Conn has written a Savannah Morning News article on City Manager Stephanie Cutter’s decision to reverse the re-hire of problematic SCMPD officer Tony Townsend, who resigned twice under Internal Affairs Investigations. I really hate to see people lose their jobs in this economic climate, but Townsend’s personnel record is ridiculous.

One of the most disturbing marks on Townsend’s record per SMN:

April 2008: Loitering at the Circle K and asking inappropriate questions of a sexual nature to customers and employees. Townsend signed a counseling form directing him not to return to the Circle K unless it was for official police duties because of a harassment complaint store employees made against him. He was visiting almost on a daily basis and, while in uniform, following women around the store. He made one so nervous, she spilled a fountain drink. Townsend ordered a clerk to clean up the mess. He also went into a clerk’s purse and helped himself to hand lotion, according to the complaint.


The re-hire was brought to Cutter’s attention after The Savannah Morning News began digging for information on Townsend, possibly on a tip from within the department. Willie Lovett sure thinks so:

What he hated more than anything, Lovett said, is that other officers “ran to the paper” to complain about Townsend’s hiring rather than coming to him. He said anyone who had come to him could have raised the issue and had their concerns addressed without fear of retaliation.

After the initial ripple of Cutter’s controversial hire, and despite Tom Barton’s assessment of Cutter being just a safe pick, things seem to be settling with every solid decision she makes.

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